Németh Apartmanok private accomodation
Operators' Names: Ferencné Németh (79348353-1-38), Ferenc Németh (54876057-1-38), and Bence Németh (54876019-1-38), private individuals
Identifiers of Private Accommodation Facilities Operated by Them (NTAk IDs): MA19005823, MA19005824, MA19012157, MA19005567, MA19005568
Address of Accommodation Services: 9600 Sárvár, Markusovszky Street 2
Email Address: info@nemethapartmanok.hu
Representative of the Operators Based on Their Agreement: Ferenc Németh
Residential Address: 9600 Sárvár, Csallóköz Street 15/A
Phone Number: +36 30 242 8356